All Sort of instruments are made up in accordance with ASTM F 899-09, ISO 7153/1 of Surgical instruments.
The ears, nose, and throat are very sensitive body organs. When a person feels discomfort in these organs, a doctor uses ENT instruments to examine the body parts. Its varies in appearance and functions. Each tool is intended to be used in the examination of the ear. The doctor knows the function of its. He sees to it that the right tool is used in the examination of the particular body part. Proper diagnosis of the ailment is done with the right tool used.
The doctor is one who specializes in the care of the ear, nose and throat. These doctors are well trained in the treatment of problems pertaining to the ear, nose and throat. These treatments refer to both surgical as well as medical ones. Problems such as ear infection, nerve pain, facial disorders and balance disorders are some problems which are fixed by a doctor. There are many instruments which a doctor makes use of. Each of these its is separate for the ear, nose and throat.
The ENT instruments used when examining the nose is a speculum which comes with a headlight which provides illumination. This again helps in visually seeing the anatomy of the ear and what the possible diagnosis could be. After nasal surgery, in order to inspect the condition of the nose, an endoscope is made use of which is another ENT surgical instruments . The back of the nose is also visualized using an instrument called laryngoscope. This is a thin cable which is put into the nose and provides the surgeon a great way so that he/she can examine areas easily and carefully.
Hartmann-Halle Nasal Specula are used to view the nasal cavity for different nasal examinations and procedures, like foreign body removal and nasal packing. The speculum has two handles, coned blades and a cross-junction. The handles have horizontal ridged surfaces to provide better grip, and the operator approximates them to open the speculum’s duck-billed right and left blades. The speculum is 15 cm in size and is available with blade lengths of 27 mm, 31 mm or 35 mm to provide convenience and ease with different patients. We manufacture nasal specula from premium surgical grade stainless steel that can be sterilized and reused for years of reliable operation in rhinology procedures.
All Sort of instruments are made up in accordance with ASTM F 899-09, ISO 7153/1 of Surgical instruments.
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